
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Greens score big hit with free student travel policy

NZ Herald News: "New Zealanders are strongly in favour of a proposal to give tertiary students free trips on public transport, a Herald-DigiPoll survey shows."

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Greens announce investment in public transport ""National is wasting taxpayer’s money on poor value motorways that will actually increase traffic congestion, increase pollution, and make commuters vulnerable to rising oil prices. We need fresh thinking about ways to help New Zealanders get around."

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Public transport free for students with 'Green Card'

3 News: "The Green Party is reaching out to students with a Gold Card-style service offering free off-peak public transport.

Co-leader Russel Norman made the announcement in Auckland this afternoon as part of the party's economic plan."