
Friday, April 16, 2010

Manukau Courier: letter to the editor

The following letter to the editor, written in response to the growing number of horrific deaths & injuries on our roads, was published in today's Manukau Courier:

Fare solution

Ten Easter weekend road death and dozens more people mangled in hospital as we waste billions on more new motorways that encourage even more road-clogged mayhem.

Bus fares have gone up and increased traffic creates more pollution and related health costs.

And now we're to add 5000 mammoth truck to the mix.

Can we please stop and re-think this dire situation?

Surely it would make more sense to fund decent integrated public transport systems than worsen motorway carnage and chaos.

And if we really want to dramatically reduce the bulk of the traffic; make it fare-free.

Roger Fowler
Fare-Free NZ.

Note: since this letter was written, a further two people have perished as a result of the Easter weekend road smashes. Why should we tolerate this madness?


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