Auckland Transport (AT) is dumping its staff on trains and increasing
'security measures' to stop 'fare cheats.' The current 160 on-board 'train
managers' (guards) will be replaced by 18 transport officers, who are already being recruited. AT expects a law to be
passed this year, giving the officers greater powers, including the
ability to issue penalty notices to fare evaders. Why bother? Why
not eliminate fares altogether if we REALLY want to encourage people to
get out of our cars and onto public transport big-time, & find other ways to share the cost?
Below is an article reflecting on Canadian experiences, entitled 'Transit cops or Free Transit?'
After the February murder of Winnipeg transit operator Irvine Jubal Fraser, and other violent attacks, there is a push for transit cops to be introduced in Winnipeg. Conducted a month after Fraser’s murder, a survey has now been widelypublicized
finding 64 percent of respondents favour the introduction of transit
police, despite 75 percent believing Winnipeg Transit is safe. Those who
“strongly” or “moderately” feel safe drops to 49 percent for night
buses with 38 percent feeling unsafe. Winnipeg’s transit workers and riders
deserve safety, but are transit cops the answer? It certainly seems to
be the only question being asked. The news reports about this survey do
not appear to ask any other question about safety measures. Were survey
respondents asked about protective shields for operators, improved
lighting and safety design of transit stops, emergency phones at transit
stops, or a concerted public safety initiative? If we are serious about reducing
violence on public transit, we need to examine the leading source of
violence against transit workers: fare disputes.
Fare disputes are the biggest problem
A 2016 survey of transit operators
by the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) found 74 percent of assaults on
operators arose from fare disputes. Survey respondents were allowed
multiple answers. “Inadequate service” and “high crime area” were the
second most cited reasons, but they were a distant 35 and 32 percent,
a series of vicious attacks on transit operators in 2013, Detroit’s
transit workers conducted a “sickout” – an illegal strike which
effectively shut down transit for a day.Another more extensive 2005 survey of
seven Canadian ATU locals found fare disputes the source of 60 percent
of physical assaults and 71 percent of verbal assaults (cited on p.17-18 of this study). If fare disputes is the leading
reason for verbal and physical violence against operators and fare
collectors, then we need to look seriously at eliminating fares from
transit services. Not looking at this option is simply irresponsible.
Can we provide the service free at the point of use and fund it like
other free public services through progressive taxation? This question
is not even being asked but now is the time to raise it. But let’s look at what’s being pushed right now: transit cops.
Transit cops: solving or causing problems?
The fact is transit cops simply
cannot be on every single bus and at every single transit stop. They are
not going to stop those determined to make an attack on operators. Nor
will transit cops be able to stop every attack that erupts with a fare
dispute. The Toronto Transit Commission employs dozens of “Transit
Enforcement” officers but this hasn’t stopped an average of one transit
worker being assaulted each day. Where transit police don’t exist,
local police are involved anyway in violent attacks. This means transit
cops actually spend most of their time focusing on fare evasion which is
an enormous expense. Yet, just like a regular police
force, transit cops are placed in an adversarial position with the
public and it is “the usual suspects” who are going to be on the
receiving end of their main job of fare enforcement. Poor people,
Indigenous people, people of colour are going to be these usual
suspects. Racial profiling and overreach by transit cops is already a problem where they exist. Transit cops in Vancouver, for example, go far beyond their mandate in reporting hundreds of suspected illegal immigrants to the Canada Border Security Agency.
This is the sort of police conduct that Trump is trying to enforce by
repealing “Sanctuary City” policies in major urban centres like Boston,
New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, Miami and numerous other cities, as
well as Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal and London, Ontario (There is also some movement in Winnipeg to become a Sanctuary City).
The Sanctuary City policy is simple: municipal workers do not ask
people’s immigration status. Nobody is doing the CBSA’s job for them.
This raises all sorts of questions about what Vancouver’s transit cops
think they’re doing. (It is worth noting that in the
labour movement it is a widely common practice among union organizers
that we do not ask about people’s immigration status when talking shop
and signing cards. Our goal is solidarity, not strengthening the hand of
of a UBC student beaten and batoned by Vancouver transit cops in 2011.
One officer was forced to quit. The other pleaded guilty to assault and
was suspended for 8 days without pay.Transit cops in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and numerous other cities have all been involved in incidents of excessive force, misuse of tasers, and even deadly shootings. A tragic example of this is the murder of Oscar Grant by transit police on the Bay Area Rapid Transit in Oakland. Transit cops also cost a lot of money
that could otherwise put people to work providing direct transit
services, from maintenance to station attendants to operators. It is
money that could go to better use. For example, in 2014, Metro Vancouver Transit Police cost $34 million.
The operation employed 167 sworn officers and 67 civilian staff. That
same year, two transit expansion proposals were left unfulfilled. A $28
million per year plan to add 11 new B-Line express bus routes was
abandoned. A $59 million a year plan to lift overall bus service by 25
percent was scrapped. Transit police costs could have covered one and
contributed to the other.
Other safety strategies
As with any public space, safety is
of incredible importance. But transit cops will not solve the problems
of violence. They never do. In a handful of incidents they will make a
difference, but they’ll also drag in a whole number of other problems,
problems that plague every police force: targeting of stereotyped
people, excessive force, and big costs. We already have police forces
anyway. There are other safety measures that
we can also take, safety measures that routinely neglected by transit
management and politicians. First,
improved transit infrastructure means improved safety. Far too many
transit stops have terrible lighting and only major transit stop have
emergency phones. Second, night services need to be
more frequent and more extensive. Night buses often serve areas only
hourly, leaving us waiting alone at stop for long periods of time.
Similarly, they serve too few areas, leaving us to make longer walks
than usual to our final destination. For low-wage service workers,
janitors and other workers dependent on public transit, bus service
often dries up between 10pm and 6am, leaving us to spend money on cabs. Third, we need sustained public
safety campaigns for public transit. Posting public safety procedures on
buses, trains, bus stops and transit facilities is nothing new. It is a
good idea to encourage riders and transit worker to look out for one
another instead of feeling helpless and being useless when something bad
Fourth, transit operators need better training and support from
transit management. The same 2016 ATU survey cited earlier finds 48
percent of transit operators “rarely” get training or instruction on
emergency procedures. A shocking 56 percent say female transit operators
won’t report incidents of sexual harassment because they “will not be
taken seriously.” This is damning evidence that management is failing
workers. In terms of protecting transit
operators from attacks, protective shields may prove useful. The ATU
survey finds 60 percent support. Some transit operators who have been assaulted believe it is the answer,
but many transit operators, including Winnipeg’s, have explored the
option and understandably don’t want to work behind them, cut off from
riders and boxed in. Perhaps transit operators should have the choice to
work with them.
Eliminating transit fares
One serious solution to safety
problems on public transit is eliminating transit fares. Again and again
transit workers and their unions have pointed to fare disputes as the
single largest source of antagonism and violence between rider and
operator. Survey after survey bears this out. However, the concept of transit fares
are so ingrained there is virtually no discussion about eliminating
fares. Most operators will tend towards enforcement mechanisms for fare
payment. This simply shifts the problem to someone else, in this case
transit cops who enforce fares backstopped by the threat or use of
force. This policy is an utter failure.
2012 armed robbery at a TTC fare collector booth. The worker was shot
in the neck and shoulder and is still on disability five years later.
The suspect is at large.Even with transit cops, operators
will remain susceptible to the same sort of violence over fare disputes,
with fare collectors targets for armed robbery, which can sometimes result in the shooting of transit workers. Eliminating fares is not about
excusing bad behaviour but removing the immediate source of an
escalating fare disputes or robbery.
Free transit isn’t free
Eliminating transit fares will mean
paying for them some other way. Like other public services that are free
at the point of access, public transit costs can and should be
fully-funded by progressive taxation. But eliminating fares also frees
up money and resources.
This can’t be good: Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne promotes Presto.Fare accounting costs, ticket and
pass production costs, and various other costs associated with fares
could be eliminated. Immensely expensive transit pass programs can be
buried. Even with tokens and tickets eliminated, the Presto card system
in Ottawa and the Greater Toronto Area has been enormously expensive.
While transit users will save a bit on fares with Presto, the province’s
auditor general says hundreds of millions have been blown on its installation. All these resources could be freed up
and focused on better transit services, more jobs, and better
infrastructure. Transit workers can be redirected to other parts of the
service, such as attendants at major transit stations, retrained for
operating, maintenance and other services.
Can it be done?
Tallinn is an experiment we can learn from and improve upon.Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is considered the “free transit capital of the world”.
With a population of 550,000, it is not much smaller than Winnipeg. The
free transit experiment started in 2013 after a 76 percent of residents
voted in favour in a special referendum. The experiment is still going strong.
The service is a hit with residents, ridership is up, and the transit
system is even turning a profit. With 1,000 Euros per registered Tallinn
resident being directed from income taxes into the system, transit
costs are covered. Registered residents are then afforded a pass card
that offers limitless travel. We can learn from what has happened in Tallinn. We don’t need to replicate the same funding model or require pass cards. Some experiments with free transit have also taken place in Canada. Last summer, the Cape Breton Regional Municipality
conducted a free transit experiment. The Mayor declared it “successful
beyond anyone’s imagination” with ridership growing 200 to 300 percent –
far beyond the 20 to 30 percent that was expected. The experiment
showed that free transit will be a hit. It also showed how existing
transit fares are major access barriers.
The free transit experiment in Cape Breton showed the huge possibilities of mass transit if fares are eliminated.Another limited experiment in free
transit has unfolded in Kingston, Ontario and points to how free transit
could be gradually expanded if it weren’t implemented immediately. Over four years, thousands of high school students were phased in to free transit. Kingston is also conducting a one-year free transit pilot project for the city’s 3,000 welfare recipients. There are other larger benefits of a
campaign for eliminating fares. It is a blow against years of user fees
being imposed on our public services. User fees are linked to the same
policies that have deprived public transit of major capital funds for
the past three decades, and sapped money from desperately needed transit
systems for rural and remote areas. Cutbacks in services to fund tax
breaks for corporations and the wealthy have been partially offset with
user fees as costs have been downloaded from federal to provincial,
provincial to municipal. The disgraceful destruction of the Saskatchewan Transit Company is the latest example of this attack.
Last but not least, we can strike a blow against climate change by
creating transit systems that actually get people out of their cars and
create momentum towards significant transit expansion. Free public transit at the point of
use – paid for entirely through progressive taxation – is the way to go
not just for improving our transit services, but also for eliminating
the single largest point of tension between transit operators and
riders. Transit cops won’t do this. They’ll only bring in more problems.
Let’s tear out the fare boxes and let’s ride together in a new